Content Marketing Premium
One-time payment
One-time payment for 15 articles
One-time payment for 15 Articles (3x 1500-word Pillar Content and 12x 700-word Supporting Content)
How does it work?
Product delivery as quickly as 5 days in the first month of the campaign*
Over 6 months, get well-written, highly-relevant content: within 5 days for the first month, and succeeding batches of articles produced monthly to keep your site fresh and relevant
*After your approval of our proposed topics and keywords -
15 Articles (3x 1500-word Pillar Content and 12x 700-word Supporting Content)
Final output will include up to 5 stock images for each 1500-word article and up to 3 images for each 700-word article
Includes social media promotion-ready copy for increased brand awareness
Each piece of content will be accompanied by a social media writeup, to promote the copy and drive more traffic
Content optimization focused on tracking and results
All Pillar Content analytics will be tracked monthly, expanded, and revised for better performance (6 rounds of optimization)
Further revisions are applicable within 3 days from edited copy
The team can accept 1 revision based on feedback and/or redirection.
100% Unique Content
100% original and unique content written by our in-house writers. Articles are not spun, and are checked against Copyscape.