Spotlight: Toasted Pixie – Web Traffic

Spotlight: Toasted Pixie – Web Traffic

When you want to grow a local retail company there will always be a wall. That wall is the number of LOCAL people. Your business, until you move online of course, will always be limited by the number of people living in or visiting your area. The bottom line is that...
Spotlight: Toasted Pixie – More Foot Traffic

Spotlight: Toasted Pixie – More Foot Traffic

Let’s face it, if you own a retail store merchandising, promotions, increased ticket size, and all the inside magic cannot help you if you do not get enough butts through the door. Bottom line, you need buyers, and the magic starts with getting them to cross the...
Critique Your Own Funnel

Critique Your Own Funnel

Sales funnels are all the rage. Companies like ClickFunnels, Monday, PipeDrive, and Hubspot have made assembling extremely effective sales funnels an easy task; giving some successful companies a way to generate good sales without having a “complete”...